A model release just gives Louise permission to post a sneak peek, or perhaps use your photos for competitions or educational purposes. Please complete the form below and hit the submit button before your shoot day. Thank you.
I/We grant Louise Sedgman Photography or assigneess the absolute right and permission to use, publish or sell the photographs and any other reproductions in any media for any lawful purpose. This may include advertising, promotion, merchandising, training and education purposes, Facebook and other social media, publicity, exhibition, competition and/or display in any form. The images may be altered, cropped, enhanced or modified in any way. I/We agree that all rights to the images belong to Louise Sedgman Photography and agree that I have no further right to additional consideration or accounting, and I will make no further claims for any reason to Louise Sedgman Photography or assigns. I also agree that I am over 18 years old. (Please provide consent by a parent or guardian if under 18 years of age)
I/We also acknowledge that horses and horse riding is a dangerous activity. I/We hereby specifically forever indemnify, waive and release Louise Sedgman Photography and it’s principals and agents from any liability for injury, death, liability, loss and/or property damage arising out of the inherent risks from riding, working or participating in a stable/paddock environment and/or with horses, as well as from the active negligence of Louise Sedman Photography and its principals and agents. By signing this form, I hereby acknowledge on behalf of myself that I have familiarized myself with the activities that I will be potentially participating in, and that I do hereby acknowledge and agree that I will participate in these activities without restriction or limitation. I recognize the inherent risks involved in riding and working with horses, including but not limited to: Being bucked off, kicked, stood on, thrown, bitten, scratched, crushed or otherwise injured. Tripping or slipping on uneven ground or muddy terrain in padocks and around stables and barns.