Welcome to your masterclass, please complete the questions below before your workshop and hit 'submit'. Thank you First and Last Name Mobile Email What Camera Make and Model do you use What lenses do you have How comfortable are you at using your cameras manual settings?* I use manual settings all the time I sometimes use manual settings I understand the exposure triangle but I don't use manual settings I prefer to use my cameras semi automatic modes like 'P', 'TV' or 'S' or 'AV' I prefer to use Auto Have you had experience around horses before?* I eat sleep and breathe them I feel somewhat comfy around horses I'm a little unsure around horses Iv'e never been around horses before Whats a horse? Do you have any medical issues including food allergies that we need to be aware of? * Can you list your next-of-kin details please. Name, Relationship to you. Phone contacts etc.* Please tell me what you would like to get out of, and hope to achieve from attending this masterclass?* Do you have any worries or concerns about attending the masterclass, eg getting here? Skills? Working around the horses? etc* Please let me know so I can make this as awesome as I can for you Submit Form