Well. Thats a wrap on 2020. Can’t say Im sad to see the back of it if I’m totally honest. There were highs and lows and i have no doubt that every single human on the planet has been impacted by Covid19, but im incredibly grateful personally, for an amazing end to 2020 and reason to be optimistic in 2021.
For me 2021 is shaping up to look ok so far (i know, it’s early days and the perverbial could hit the fan at any time). A quiet and unassuming Christmas with those I love most was in order along with some time to reflect on what has been, and hopefully what’s to come. I do my best to see the good in things…although my faith in humans has been somewhat stretched this past year, but Im sure the good stuff will prevail and there will be many, many opportunites for us to be grateful for this year.
My first offficial shoot is tonight and I’m bloody excited can I just say! This beautiful woman has been booked in for a VERY long time and I can’t wait to meet her and her favorite lad Elvis. And to make it even better, it’s a beautiful morning to start the day, with a perfect forecast due. (Thanks universe!)
So what’s on the cards for LSP (Louise Sedgman Photography) in 2021 you might ask? Well, a full diary til May, a wedding to photograph in March and with bookings as far ahead as November, it’s looking like a cracker year! Fingers and toes along with all other extremities are crossed that Covid19 plays nice and allows us to keep working (please, please, please let us keep working…and no home schooling would be great too, please and thank you).
Photography workshops are going to be a feature this year with the hope that my full-weekend Torquay workshop, that was scheduled for May last year, can finally go ahead. 9 fabulous ladies who had booked in initially have stuck around with me to wait it out and we all eagerly look forward to coming together as soon as we can. I have some new workshops on the horizon with a winter equine photographers soul-search weekend (a bit like a retreat, but I didnt want to use that word as it’s been done to death…if you can think of another cool word I could use that means ‘to come together and explore deeply’, id’e love to hear it 🙂 ). Im pretty excited about it actually, I love sharing knowledge and meeting others who are passionate about horses and photography.
THE SWEET TEEN PROJECT… After beginning the project a year ago, (photographing teens with their horse and donating $50 from every booking fee directly to Heasdspace Bairnsdale and creating a very cool coffee table book, featuring each of the teens) I am optimistic that I will be able to finish it soon. There are 6 more teens to photograph over the coming couple of months and if the feed back is anything to go on, these guys are going to love it. The whole point of the project is around teens mental health. If I can make even one kid feel good about themselves, feel proud and give them a confidence boost, then I’ve done my job.
PERSONAL PROJECTS… These are a must for maintaining my mojo and keeping the creative juices flowing. There is nothing more invigorating than planning something that hasn’t been done before. That challenges you creatively, spritually and physically, or that stretches the boundaries of what is even possible. I LOVE planning shoots like this, the mere thought of them gives me goosebumps. It’s the most satisfying thing in the world to have a plan, research the hell out of it, create props, work with incredible people and horses and see it come to fruition in front of my lens…even just writing this now, I can feel my energy lifting. SO, if the planets align, there will be some very awesome things to come in 2021. And if you have a horse and love doing crazy/out there/arty/horsie stuff, let me know, I’de love to chat 🙂
So, as you can see I love to stretch the boundaries of what can be achieved with my personal work. Of course I am also constantly exploring and expanding my knowledge, so as I grow, my photography changes, ebbs and flows. It’s fun (and sometimes cringy) to look back from where you came.
SO WHAT’S NEXT? Im going to stay optimistic as that’s the kind of person I am. I can’t control what happens in the world, so I’m just going to go with it as best I can. Make plans, dream big and believe that the wheels I set in motion now, will eventually lead me to where I want to go. I hope 2021 brings joy to you and your family. That you get to do and be who you are and live your bestest life. Signing off now to prepare for tonights shoot, wish me luck.
Hugs Louise xxx
Fancy a special photo experience with your own horse? Bookings are open for the rest of 2021.
Give give me a call on anytime 0412 942897 xx Louise